RemotExpert, Inc

jQuery Slideshow and Java Menu

jQuery Slideshow

Common issue that I have seen is JavaScript drop-down menu disappearing behind flash. I have not seen a JavaScript drop-down menu disappearing behind Java applet. It doesn’t have to be an applet but it could be an object or div. The issue that I faced particle, is when I was replacing Flash Slideshow with jQuery slideshow, the ease of management of jQuery less work but the same effect and look as flash slideshow.

Everything was working fine, but the JavaScript drop-down menus where disappearing behind the jQuery. First thing I can to it was Z-index, but changing the div Z-index of menu and the slideshow have not fixed the problem. I knew that the problem was in Z-index but applying to the div has not fixed the problem. But at the end it was the Z-index but inside of the external “.js” file. So, yes guys it was Z-Index.

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